To get started with QuickBooks integration, follow these steps:

  • Log in:
    1. With a Chrome browser, go to your dedicated subdomain at For Acme company the domain would be
    2. If you are unsure of your subdomain name please contact Sparcblock.
    3. Log in using the User ID provided.
    4. If you have not already set a password, or if you have forgotten your password, select the Recover Password option.
  • Connect to QuickBooks:
    1. Once logged in, if you are not already connected to QuickBooks you will receive a welcome banner prompting you to connect. This banner will no longer appear once a connection has been made.
    2. Click Connect to QuickBooks to go to the Intuit QuickBooks app centre.
    3. Enter your QuickBooks Administrator UserID and password, and click “Sign In”
    4. If more than one company is listed, select the company that you want to use with this instance of SparcPay.
    5. The Intuit screen will list the data that the SparcPay app will be able to access.
    6. Click “Connect” to continue (you can disconnect at any time if you choose).